Workers MP have threatened to storm the Ministry of Finance following the directive from minister finance Matia Kasaija, asking workers union to nominate only three members to the board of NSSF as opposed the current five representatives.
According to a letter addressed to the two major trade unions, COFTU and National Organisation of Trade Unions, the minister of finance asked for two members from each of the unions, making 30% representation as opposed to the 50% as directed by the president.
While addressing media today Hon Alinitwe Rwakajara said that the move by the currents minister is a total set back to the workers union since their representation have always been fundamental in safe guarding interests of the workers on the governing board of NSSF.
He explained that they have been trying to engage the minister to explain his interest in reducing workers representation but all in vein, yet the current board is expiring at effective 31st this month.
However the ministry as always downplayed the relevancy of workers on board, citing lack of technical competence .