The Uganda Law Society (ULS) is seeking approximately Shs10 billion to provide legal assistance to individuals involved in military-related cases.
To achieve this, the ULS plans to launch a demilitarization fund, which will allow well-wishers to contribute.
According to Vice-President Anthony Asiimwe, this initiative follows a recent Supreme Court ruling, which the ULS believes failed to provide adequate remedy or closure for victims of what he described as an unjust system.
“There are thousands of individuals who do not have anyone to speak for them. So, who should speak for them? If we do not act, clearly they will remain at the mercy of these injustices which have already suffered,” he said on Thursday.
The fund aims to support individuals in prison who lack legal representation and to assist relatives or friends in filing for their unconditional release.
However, as stated by ULS President Isaac Ssemakadde, those with existing legal support or family connections will be expected to handle their cases independently.