The Speaker of parliament as watered down talk on the Sh. 5 million.
Opening the House this afternoon, Rebecca Kadaga denied knowledge of the Shs. 5 million to allegedly be given MPs for consultations.
This was after Kawempe North MPs Latif Ssebagala asked the speaker to clear the air on whether MPs had received any money for consultations.
Kadaga says she is not aware of any money given to MPs because the parliamentary commission has never met to approve it.
The leader of opposition in parliament Nandala Mafabi also warned MPs against taking the money arguing that the Auditor General would find it difficult to trace its source.
There have been reports that the President wrote to the Speaker of Parliament instructing the House Commission and the Clerk to Parliament to effect the payment of the money to the legislators in time for the consultations.
Parliament has resumed this afternoon after a two-week recess.
The members were sent on recess to consult their constituents on the Marriage and Divorce Bill 2009.