Teachers in Universal Primary Education schools need to be subjected to more refresher courses in order for the pupils to compete favorably with their counterparts in the privately owned ones.
The call comes after the just released 2014 PLE results indicated that private schools have continued to outshine the government aided ones.
According Patrick Kaboyo, an educationist, the standard of many teachers in UPE schools cannot guarantee quality education.
Kaboyo adds that more efforts should also be geared towards controlling exam malpractice in schools to achieve level ground for all candidates.
According to the 2014 PLE results released yesterday, over 35,400 pupils passed in Division one in private schools compared to 25,500 in the government aided ones.
Meanwhile, the Commissioner for Basic Education in the ministry of Education Yusuf Nsubuga says the ministry will take disciplinary action against head teachers of schools whose exams results have been withheld.
Nsubuga says the trend of malpractice is shifting from urban centres to rural schools with external assistance from teachers increasing during exams.
According to the 2014 PLE results, the Eastern region topped the list of schools with high number of candidates whose results were withheld over suspected malpractice.
Out of the 1,344 pupils whose PLE results have been withheld country wide 694 pupils are from the eastern region with Mayuge district having the highest number of affected schools.