The Judicial Training Institute (JTI) together with the International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) and Advocates Sans Frontier (ASF). The Judicial Bench Book (JBB) on criminal adjudication of criminal crimes in Uganda.
With support from the Australian Development Cooperation and Belgium government, the JBB was conceptualized to provide valuable assistance to the International Crimes Division of the High Court of Uganda in fulfilling its mandate concerning the prosecution and adjudication of International Crimes.
Speaking at the book launch at Mistil Hotel in Kampala, Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo said the JBB will be a crucial necessity in effectively equipping the Judiciary to handle international cases.
“This will serve as a quick reference point in best practices for the criminal prosecution and adjudication of international crimes drawn from the cooperative experience and jurisprudence of International criminal tribunals and tailored to Uganda’s legal framework,” Owiny said.
The book contains a commentary on the ICD court rules and procedure and evidence highlighting how different procedural aspects from the pretrial to the sentencing stage have been interpreted and applied by International tribunals.
The development of the book was spearheaded by the retired late justice Elizabeth Ibanda Nahamya and has 10 chapters covering victim participation, elements of international crimes, prosecution processes, trial sentencing, judgment, and witness protection among others.
The head of International Crimes Division Court, Dr. Andrew Bashaija has expressed concern about lack of professional legal training on matters related to international criminal laws and training.
This was in his speech read for him by the International Crimes Division Judge Justice Susan Okalany.
“With the judicial bench book on handling international crimes in Uganda launched, lawyers, judicial officers and all the stakeholders have got a resource that they can draw from.