By Mike Sebalu
Government is considering establishing an ad-hoc operationalised national remuneration board that will look into the remuneration of all public servants including commissions come next financial year.
The board after taking a careful study of the state of the economy, the kind of work people are doing and the projections as to where the public service should lead, the board will give recommendations regarding public servants’ salary enhancements.
According to the Minister of Public Service, Wilson Muruuli Mukasa, it was recommended that a board, composed of experts and eminent people, with no personal interests in pay or in the service, study issues of salary and look at harmonization of salary from time to time and make meaningful recommendations to government.
He says consultations have been done and that the Ministry is waiting for Cabinet’s approval. He says the Ministry will take the necessary steps to establish the said board after approval.
“Over time, different sectors have taken it upon themselves to go and negotiate for the pay and when we created boards, Commissions and Agencies, legislations gave themselves power to determine their own pay in consultation of course with the Ministry of Finance. So given that, it became necessary that we have a body which is impartial to determine, to recommend and the recommendation obviously will be respected” Muruli said.