Instead, we crammed formulae, notes in history or chemical equations, whatever the subject, and excelled.
There is now a cloud of dissatisfaction that still hovers over academia. We now believe we have been leading a lie, for we were deluded that after we had acquired academic qualifications, our worries would end, on the contrary, misery has not ended. Why is the situation so?
Many factors account for this phenomenon. Academic grades give people the pride of place in society. A parent works tooth and nail to ensure the children go to good schools. This has given birth to the private school that has perpetrated the glorification of academic grades. The streets are now flooded with academic stars who haven’t made a killing.
Concerned about the trend of academic greatness, I decided to find out the meaning of the word “academic”and was intrigued and challenged in equal measure about its meaning that indicated: “not of practical relevance; of only theoretical interest.”
The glaring truth is to accept that generations have partaken of hypothetical and speculative education, and now is the time to come out of the abyss, change the status quo, embrace technology and start “producing things”.