A national document has been presented to the delegates at the National Consultation on Free and Fair Elections and only await endorsement.
A number of recommendations have been outlined including a proposal that the size of parliament be trimmed to save tax payers money.
The have also recommended the removal of workers and other special representatives from parliament since ordinary MPs can represent the views of the workers
The group is also calling for commission of an independent security council to handle the electoral process and that the president as the commander in chief of the UPDF relinquishes power before contesting again.
The three- day national consultation conference on free and fair elections closes today.
The leaders are expected to be present the document to parliament by next week.
The Executive Director NGO Forum Richard Ssewakiryanga says they are hopeful that government respects the demands of Ugandans on a peaceful transition.
Ssewakiryanga says the resolutions are binding since they have an input of all Ugandans regardless of ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds.