By Mukhaye Damali
Makerere University Guild have showed their dissatisfaction by Vice Chancellor search committee decision by denying them a chance to meet VC candidates before final vetting is done.
This comes at a time when Senate is expected to vet the 3 candidates including prof Edward kirumira, the principle of college of humanities and social sciences, prof Barnabas Nawangwe the current Deputy vice chancellor finance and , Prof Venacious Baryamureeba the former presidential candidate and VC to pick two suitable candidates and forward to council that will in the end forward them to the Chancellor prof Ezra Suruma to pick one candidate as new VC.
The current VC Prof Edward Dumba Sentamu tenure ends on the 31st of August as he opted not to stand for a second term .
Addressing journalists at Makerere University, the Guild speaker Jotham Burobuto says the process was unfair to them as they proposed to meet the candidates to express their interests and ideas in a free and fair students’ interface but all in vain.
The explained that despite the public presentation by the candidates none of the candidates had convincing agendas on the students’ issues including welfare,delayed results, staff and students strikes among others, proposing for an amendment in the public universities and institutions act to have the VC elected and appointed by either parliament and other bodies to avoid conflict of interest