By Opio Sam Caleb
A Local Council Chairperson of Irongo in Luuka district has beaten up his wife over missing condoms.
The Officer in Charge of Irongo Police Post Richard Wandera says Moses Kaima returned home and attacked his wife identified as Egulansi Namulondo after he discovered that the she had thrown his packet of condoms into the latrine accusing him of promiscuity.
The angry woman claims her husband has denied her conjugal rights for the past two months yet she found condoms in his pockets that could be confirmation of her fears that he is having an affair.
However in his defense, Kaima has told police that he got the packet of condoms during a family planning mobilization outreach.
The police officer has counseled the couple and cautioned them against domestic violence urging them to always speak out openly about marital affairs especially family planning.
To help resolve the dispute, he has also given them a full box of condoms.