By Prossy Kisakye
Kampala Capital City Authority is planning to embark on a sensitization campaign against loitering garbage in the city.
It’s estimated that the per capita generation of garbage is one kilogram per day, with a population of about 1.5M, this works out to about 1500 tons.
The authority can only manage to dispose of 40%-50% of this. About 80% of the garbage is organic matter which makes it very bulky to handle.
According to the KCCA health Director, Dr. Daniel Okello there’s an increase in the number of garbage loitered in the city which is very risky to both humans and the environment.
He says the public needs to be sensitized against the dangers of loitering garbage.
Meanwhile, Okello notes that the authority is lobbying potential investors who can add value to city garbage to relieve them from the limited spaces where it can be disposed off.