Former health minister James Kakoza has lost the case in which he sued Parliament, over failure to approve the renewal of his mandate as minister.
Kakoza dragged Parliament to Court seeking orders compelling the Appointments Committee to disclose its decision on his appointment as state health minister.
The former minister who appeared before the committee in May complained that he did not receive any feedback and only read from the newspapers that his appointment had been blocked.
Justice Eldard Mwanguhya has dismissed the application and ruled that Parliament only reports to the President and is under no obligation to offer any explanation to Kakoza.
He advised the former minister to wait for the President who can appeal on his behalf to Parliament.
Justice Mwanguhya added that court will not interfere in the process of his appointment and the operations of Parliament unless an unconstitutional act is committed.
The case was dismissed without costs.
James Kakoza’s appointment was blocked after Members on the appointments committee queried his academic documents.
Story by Ruth Anderah