By Ritah Kemigisa.
The government of Japan has today awarded a shs 1.4 billion grant to three schools and a hospital to help improve their learning environment and enhance service delivery respectively
The schools to benefit include, Adwenyi Primary school in Serere district, Ewava primary school in Arua district where two classroom blocks and latrines are to be constructed and Namasagali College in Kamuli districts which will see a girl’s dormitory constructed.
Meanwhile St Mary’s Hospital Lacor in Gulu hospital will receive more that shs 370M for the purchase of two Anesthetic machine and an ultrasound scan.
Signing the four grant contracts under “the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects” the Japanese ambassador to Uganda Kazuaki Kameda said they are committed to improving the lives of people in Uganda and also helping the government to achieve quality growth.