The Anti-Corruption Court has cancelled bail previously granted to former Vice President Prof. Gilbert Bukenya, remanding him to Luzira prison.
Bail has been cancelled after he was committed to the High Court for trial over expenditure of CHOGM funds.
He faces charges of abuse of office arising from a procurement deal for vehicles and motor bikes, ahead of the 2007 Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting.
Prof. Bukenya is accused of ordering direct procurement of BMW cars from Motor Care Uganda Limited in an alleged hijack of the procurement process by stopping international bidding.
His decision is reported to have cost the government a 6 billion Shillings.
His lawyer Macdusmand Kabega earlier tried to block the committal his vain.
He argued that the IGG does not have powers to commit him to the High Court but was over ruled by the Anti-corruption court chief magistrate Irene Akankwasa.
The Court is still seating, now handling the case in which he is jointly charged with Motor Care Uganda.