Former Attorney General Peter Nyombi maintains that he has never experienced such embarrassment as he suffered when Activist Andrew Karamagi grabbed his speech before dignitaries while addressing the judiciary at the opening of the New Law year 2014.
Nyombi turned up this morning before Buganda Road Court for cross-examination on the earlier evidence he gave against Karamagi who is battling charges of being a public nuisance.
Nyombi together with Karamagi‘s lawyer Isaac Ssemakadde put up a humorous submission in court bombarding each other with provocative legal jargons.
Early this month Karamagi had asked presiding Grade one magistrate Pamela Ocaya to dismiss the case citing not only Nyombi’s unseriousness yet he is the complainant in this case, but also the fact that no other witness has ever been called since August 2014 when Nyombi testified and left without his evidence being challenged by the accused.
The case has been adjourned to April 27th for further hearing.
Story by Ruth Anderah