Government should focus on reducing HIV infection rates among children in Uganda.
According to the Executive Director of Mild May Centre Uganda, Dr. Barbara Mukasa, most of the new infections registered annually are among children between the ages of 12 to 19 years.
Uganda’s current HIV prevalence rate stands at 7.3%, with about 160,000 new infections recorded annually.
Dr. Mukasa says it is important that programmes geared towards prevention of the virus are disseminated among this age group, as well as the general population to avert the trend.
Speaking at celebrations to mark International Volunteer Day and World AIDS Day at the Mildmay Centre today, the U.S Ambassador to Uganda, Mr. Scott Delisi said the battle against HIV is still far from over.
Delisis stressed that more is needed from government and other health agencies to ensure that more people who do not have access to ARTs.
Under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the US government has contributed about 320 million dollars towards HIV prevention and support.