By Moses Kyeyune
Finance Minister Matia Kasaija says the Shs12.3bn needed to organize elections in new districts will be availed to the electoral commission soon.
Kasaija was this afternoon appearing before the committee Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to explain the process of preparation for the elections.
The Electoral Commission chairperson Justice Simon Byabakama has meanwhile said there is a need to expedite the process of providing the money since some of the districts are already operational by law.
The affected districts are Bunyangabo, Butebo, Kyotera, Namisindwa, Packwach and Rukiga, while the municipalities include Njeru, Apac, Sheema, Ibanda, Nebbi and Kotido which became operational on July 1, 2017.
Earlier, the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga resounded a warning to government against creation of more districts and administrative units, saying that they overstraining Parliament.
The Speaker was speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony of the 500 Seater chambers.
Last week the Finance ministry Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury, Keith Muhakanizi, expressed similar concerns over the increasing number of districts, which has resulted into unbearable costs to government.