The East African Community has presented its budget estimates for the Financial Year 2015/2016 totaling to Shs330 billion to the East African Legislative Assembly sitting in Arusha.
The Chair of the Council of Ministers, Dr. Abdallah Sadaala Abdallah, presenting the budget speech to EALA (East African Legislative Assembly) said that the EAC Political Federation implementation will be one of the key priority areas on the agenda.
EAC Political Federation would pave the way for a strong authority to reinforce implementation of the other stages of integration — the Common Market, the Monetary Union and the Customs Union.
However with events happening in Burundi one of the member states experts say for a political federation to take effect total peace is very paramount in the entire bloc.
David Pulkol former Director-General of Uganda’s External security Organisation says for the political federation to take place, leaders in the member states need to stop protecting their personal interests and give up power to Arusha.
The new budget is also expected to prioritize the operationalization of the Single Customs Territory with particular focus on implementation of the new generation EAC internationalized e-Passport.