By Samuel Ssebuliba & Benjamin Jumbe:
A day after the Electoral Commission released the roadmap for Local Council elections, civil society organization have vowed to legally challenge this process.
According to the roadmap, November 21st is the polling day and the exercise will conducted in over 59,000 villages across the country.
However, speaking to KFM, Crispy Kaheru the coordinator Citizens’ Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda says they have from the onset challenged the legality of this process, and now they will base on the results of this process to file a fact-based case.
He said that lining up is not in line with national and international standards and principles of privacy through the secret ballot.
However, the Electoral Commission says voting by lining up is the most transparent method.
The commission chairperson Justice Simon Byabakama says with this method, cases of ghost voters can be completely avoided.
The November 21st LC 1 &2 elections come 16 years since Uganda last had such an exercise.