By Ruth Anderah
The Family Division of the High Court has set March 26th, to decide on where the late lawyer Bob Kasango should be buried.
Justice Lydia Mugambe has announced the date after hearing arguments from both parties including Nice Kasango Bitarabeho, who filed a case against her mother-in-law Rosie Kabise seeking permission to bury the husband in Kabarole District.
Nice Kasango, the first witness to testify said they had been allocated land in Fort portal and it’s where her late husband Kasango wanted to be buried.
She said that whereas her mother-in-law wanted Kasango buried in Tororo, her husband had denounced his relatives from that side adding that she was told by Fox Odoi that they had reportedly planned to kill him when he was still young.
Court also heard that every time she asked the deceased about her father, he would just break down in tears adding that her mother had several husbands and was not sure who could have been the father.
On her part, Kabise told the court that Kasango who was born in Busoga to a Musoga man Livingston Richard Kasimo was raised by his stepfather Okello Bonaventure who is a Japadhola.
Kabise also added that Kasango sent her money to buy land in Tororo and she bought it and therefore he can be buried that side since it’s also where his grandfathers shifted and chose to be buried.
Kasango who succumbed to heart-related complications was serving a 16-year jail term in Luzira prison handed to him for theft of more than shs15 billion meant for pensioners.
His body is lying lifeless at A Plus Funeral home where it is being guarded by police as they wait for families to resolve this rift.