By Ivan Ssenabulya.
Six Congolese nationals with confirmed and suspected Ebola cases are to be repatriated.
This was agreed upon in a meeting held at Bwera Ebola isolation unit in Kasese district with health officials from DRC, last evening.
The health minister Jane Ruth Acenge said this was reached in good faith since these people may get better treatment home, in DRC who have better equipment for the epidamic treatment.
She said that these include the two people with confirmed cases, the grandmother and young brother to the late Brian Bwambale 5 year old who succumbed to Ebola.
The other four include the deceased’s mother a Congolese together with the relatives she came with including maids.
The minister said that they are also tracing for the contacts made by the seven suspected people.
Meanwhile it was also agreed by both countries to tighten security at the porous boarder points.