Hundreds of Christians have today thronged several churches and other places of worship in commemoration of Palm Sunday.
Here in Kampala at Christ the King church, Christians have been urged to denounce criminal activities and all forms of evil as they prepare for Easter.
Delivering his sermon, Rev. Father Lawrence Kayongo, said it was regrettable that believers have shunned the church opting for horrible acts like terrorism.
He adds that as they conclude the lent period, Christians need to focus on how to reclaim their position in the kingdom of God.
Meanwhile at the Presbyterian Church in Lukuli Nanganda, believers have been asked to celebrate Palm Sunday with a message of peace.
In his message, visiting Kenyan preacher Rev. Cackwe Kamau said this day is marked with great joy because believers have got someone to atone for their sins.
He explained that the triumphant entry of Jesus in Jerusalem is sign of victory and end of suffering endured by Christians in this life.
Away from Kampala, the bishop of Busoga diocese Rev Michel Kyomya has asked believers to always work together as one body of Christ to ensure harmony in society, while in Kamuli district, Christians have been asked to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ this week with joy.
According to the Vicar General of Lugazi diocese Mgr. Richard Kayondo Palm Sunday which signifies the real beginning of the suffering of Jesus Christ. “Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the Holy Week in which Jesus was crucified,” said Fr. Kayondo. He added that Christians must therefore endure the earthly suffering in order to enjoy the kingdom of God just as Jesus did.
As a Christian custom, the palms are burned at the end of Palm Sunday and the ashes are saved to use on Ash Wednesday of the following year.
Story by KFM reporters