The hearing of the petition filed by former Vice President Prof. Gilbert Bukenya, challenging his trial on fraud charges has failed to kick off.
The hearing that was expected to kick off this afternoon has been post poned as the Attorney General requested for more time to study new issues raised by the petitioner.
Bukenya went to the Constitutional Court challenging his trial before the Anti-Corruption Court which he says is illegal.
Prof. Bukenya faces charges of abuse of office arising from a procurement deal for vehicles and motor bikes, ahead of the 2007 Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting.
He is accused of breaching procurement procedures, causing the government a 6billion shillings loss.
His lawyers led by Macdusmand Kabega have today presented new issues to Court which include challenging the Acting IGG Rapheal Bakku, whom they say does not have the legal mandate to prosecute anyone.
The lawyers argue that he is only occupying the office in acting capacity and does not have substantive authority.
They also raise the issue of selective prosecution, which they say is a form of discrimination against Bukenya.
The petition will now be heard on Tuesday, next week.
The Deputy Chief Justice Alice Mpagi Bahigeine is hearing the petition together with justices, Steven Kavuma, Stella Arach Amoko, Augustine Nshimye and Remmy Kasule.
Story by Ruth Anderah