The Commercial Court has summoned Brig Henry Tumukunde to respond to claims that he unlawfully evicting a city Real Estate dealer Joseph Yiga Magandazi aka JOMAYI, from 200 acres of Land at Njagi , Bujuko along Mityana road.
Court documents indicate that JOMAYI and Tumukunde entered into a sale agreement on 10th December, 2012 where Brig. Tumukunde agreed to sale the above land to JOMAYI at 3.5 billion shillings to be paid within 3 months.
However, JOMAYI has since paid Sh 2.9 billion leaving a balance of 600million shillings which Tumukunde says he has failed to pay despite repeated demands and reminders.
Tumukunde says this prompted him to cancel the sale agreement in April this year something that JOMAYI challenges saying it will occasion him loss as he had already developed the land into a Satellite City estate yet the Brig is now introducing prospective purchasers for the said land.
JOMAYI now asks court to restrain Brig. Tumukunde from evicting him to re-sell the said land.
The Court registrar Thaddeus Opeseni ordered Brig. Tumukunde to file his defence within 15 days.