Power has been restored, and High Court Judge Owiny Dolo is currently reading out the terror case verdict to a fully packed court room.
Earlier, the court was hit by a power blackout just minutes before judge Alphonse Owiny Dollo walked in to a verdict in a case that has taken the state six years with 82 witnesses testifying and costing Shs 300m.

At around 8:00am, the bus carrying the thirteen suspects drove in at break neck speed amidst tight security and they were then led into the court hall.
Journalists were also screened thoroughly before being granted access to court.
Entrance is restricted to court staff, lawyers to the different parties, and a few journalists.
All roads leading to the court and the places around remain closed, while most of the shops around the area remain closed.
Meanwhile an unidentified man has been seen moving around court premises with chicken. His motives are unclear.