Bat Valley Primary School has today survived yet another attempt to have it demolished.
Kampala Capital City Authority stepped in to stop the demolition which had started on one of the buildings.
The Authority earlier allowed agents of Indian charity, Shree Sanatan Dharma Mandal to renovate the building but they instead started on demolishing the structures.
KCCA has now issued an order stopping the demolition of any structures until the wrangles on the ownership of the school have been settled.
Officials from the Lord Mayor’s office led by his political assistant Deo Mbabazi called an urgent meeting where the decision to stop the demolition was issued.
According to the chairman of the Parents’ Teachers Association, Haruna Kanaabi, the move by the Asians to demolish the school is unfortunate.
Kanaabi says KCCA should issue a clearer position on the matter to avoid victimization of parents and pupils.
A Parliamentary report released in 2008 recommended that that school be renovated and retained to benefit pupils under the Universal Primary Education program.
Story by Hadijah Mwanje