Are you satisfied with the enacted version of the Sexual Offences Bill, 2019, that you moved?
We are not entirely satisfied because we lost some of the Clauses (1 and 36) we wanted. But we have taken what has been given and for those that we didn’t get, advocacy continues. Maybe in the future, we shall get what we want.
What are those Clauses that were lost that you wanted in the Bill?
Largely consent (Clause 36). If you look at the Bill, consent is central in all sexual matters and that is why we wanted it to be clearly provided for; and that consent can be withdrawn at any time.
It is expected that in a sexual relationship, the persons involved are human beings who can understand, and there are circumstances that warrant that. If your partner says please stop, there is [problem] for this thing (sex) to be abandoned, that is not a big issue.